
Friday, May 1, 2015

Rename file in Sublime Text 3

To rename a file in Sublime Text 3, install the following package.

Clone the package:
git clone

Copy the package in the following directory (OS X):
~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User

Restart Sublime Text and press CMD+SHIFT+P. In the textbox type 'File Rename'. When the package is highlighted, press Enter. You will be able to rename the current file.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Testing with Ruby

To get started with Ruby testing, I am using RSpec ruby framework.

To use RSpec, first you will need to have the gem "guard" which is a command line tool to work with RSpec.
$ gen install guard.

$ bundle exec guard list
This will give you a list of frameworks installed and ready for guard to work with.

After that run
$ bundle exec guard.

This will take you to the guard prompt . Do the following to run all tests.

$ guard(main)> all rspec.

You are up and running!

Ruby Installation


* You already have a Ruby project which you want to set up with little or no Ruby knowledge.
* You are on OS X.

I am off to learning Ruby for my new project. It makes me both excited and scared at the same time as I love learning new languages and tools but Ruby is a different beast than any I have tamed before. My understanding of Ruby leads me to believe that Ruby is:

1. A server side language.
2. Very different syntax than C, C++, and Java.
3. Is more than Ruby itself; there are gems and rails I don't know about.
4. It can be used to host apps on cloud servers like AWS.

It is a personal journey and like any other beginner, I am pretty sure the above four bullets will need to be modified once I develop more understanding.

Installing Ruby:

I have started by watching the following course videos:

Installing Ruby using homebrew resulted in the installation of ruby 2.2.0p0 (2014-12-25 revision 49005). Turns out I need 2.1.5. So using the rbenv to make changes and install the specific version:

$ rbenv install 2.1.5

in ~/.bash_profile, add
export PATH="/Users/{home}/.rbenv/versions/2.1.5/bin/":$PATH
where {home} is your own user name.

$ rbenv rehash

$ eval "$(rbenv init -)"

$ gem install bundler

(Deviating but a necessary step is: $brew install qt; $brew linkapps qt) .

Run "$ bundle install" from your Ruby project folder in which "Gemfiles" exist.

Getting Postgres running:

Install from

Use commands:

$ createuser -s -r postgres
$ rake db:create
$ rake db:migrate
to create and get the db running.

From, install This utility will get your Ruby server app running without setting up a whole lot of configuration. Just create a symlink to your app in .pow as mentioned on the page.

There you go. If you have symlinked your project to "myapp" you should be able to type in your browser and see your app running.